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As Indonesia faces economy crisis, Achmed Solihin, BABGOC Deputy of Finance and Treasury is still certain that the global crisis will not have significant effect on the multi event. However, BABGOC will still prepares and anticipates all possible options, including the worst ones by rescheduling all payment.
"We are certain that all is manageable both income and cost. We reviewed all the income to be adjusted to the cost and spending," Ahmed said as interviewed.
"We will reschedule all payment to make sure everything goes well," he added. Ahmed claims that all preparations were done before the crisis stroke, so the direct impact will be minimum.
"We are certain that all is manageable both income and cost. We reviewed all the income to be adjusted to the cost and spending," Ahmed said as interviewed.
"We will reschedule all payment to make sure everything goes well," he added. Ahmed claims that all preparations were done before the crisis stroke, so the direct impact will be minimum.
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